Thursday, December 20, 2007

Check Your Local Listings

By the way, TV documentaries suck. Here are five Christmas Documentaries I hated:

* Keebler Presents: "Elf Autopsy"

* Frosty the Snowman: Big Where It Counts

* Xmas at Riker's Island: "It's a Wonderful 10-years-to-Life"

* The Blogger Who Ate Christmas: Why He Did It

* Tarquin Churchwell Remembers the Very First Christmas


Big Boy Bob said...

Only a person like you would want to ruin Xmas. And I don't have a lump of coal in my brain, it's in my pants. As my friend Paris Hilton would say, "that's hot". Screw you Tarquin.

Susan said...

Are you trying to disgust your fans? I'm not talking about this blog but what is that crap on your other blog? That photo you posted today make me want to vomit. Why don't you take all your spare time and do something productive instead of playing with your "crayons". And quit making snide remarks about other people. Haven't you learned your lesson? Oh, and yeah, Tarquin take that as a warning, not a threat.

The Xmas Dick said...

Xmas on Rikers is my personal favorite. You're not a true dick.

Anonymous said...

And how is it you know about virgins and birth?

About Me said...

Oooh, smells like Holy Spirit.


Well, pope, I know about virgins and birth.

Ya see, I knocked up different young girls practically the same month. The first girl was a virgin but I took care of that and when she got prego -- bang, there went the shotgun! The other was a virgin but I didn't marry her cause I already was married to the first one.

When I heard about Brit's slut sister, it got me excited. Of course, she probly had round heels since she was twelve, if you know what I mean.

I wish I could impregnate a REAL virgin again. Oh well, the glory days...

By the way, pope, Brit's sis can dump her bastard kid on somebody's family and never see it again. So what's the big deal?

About Me said...

I'm not a true dick, dick? What do you mean by that?

About Me said...

Midget, You don't know Paris Hilton. Your lying.

Hey, is that a peanut in your pants, or are you glad to see me?


Anonymous said...

Damn, you are sick all around.