Thursday, December 27, 2007

This Just In


Susan said...

Hilarious, just hilarious!

About Me said...

See? Nobody believed me when I told 'em I'm famous! Anywhere between 5 million and 6.23 million watched that weather show.


Susan said...

Yeah, sure Tarko. You're delusional. Get help STAT.

Anonymous said...

Poor Tarquin, NOT! You're such a coward on the other blog that you refuse to turn on the comments, yet claim you have. WRONG. I went to your site and it's total bull. It's still restricted to team members, even though the comment box says if you see that, your IP is being blocked. Can't be. It's another one of your lies. I used an IP from another source, one that has NEVER been to your blog and it didn't work. You're a friggin' coward and should burn in hell.