Looking for something wacky to give your insignificant other for Christmas this year? Here are a few ideas:

Nothing says “I love you” like giving someone Herpes -- just ask Paris Hilton! Giant Microbes has come out with a line of plush and cuddly STDs. A steal at $7.95 apiece, you couldn't get anything cheaper from a real hooker. Also available: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis.
STDs pillow $7.95

Here is a little book of Kama Sutra poses acted out by ginger bread characters. The pictures are cool, and the "position captions" are just as good. Each pose has a recipe, with a little cookie talk thrown in.
Cookie-Sutra Book $7.95

As everyone on the Internet knows, this year I wrote about batteries and vibrators a lot! Guys, when you can't be near the one you love, this festive 10 inch vibe will keep her happy! The website says they've sold millions.
Candy Cane Vibe $19.99

What if you have just met someone but are afraid he will turn out to be like me? Be safe with your very own lie detector! What makes this thing so much fun, is that when a person is caught in a lie, he gets a painful jolt of electricity. The subject slips his hand into the special, ergonomic hand clamp, and you ask a series of "control questions" that even I could answer truthfully, such as: “Who is the president of the United States?” Then... ask what you want to know. When the lie detector senses lying -- ZAP! How much does it hurt? Well, according to the manufacturer, there are two settings. The "Low" setting hurts a lot. No one has ever had the guts to try the "High" setting.
The Shocking Lie Detector $21.95
We have something like that Shocking Lie Detector down on the farm. It's called a cattle prod and WHOA is it fun! Gives the hoofers a huge stiffy! Love your other Xmas gift ideas. Want to get em all!
What is a huge stiffy?
The cookies are the funniest thing I've ever seen. I just forwarded that picture to a list of friends, of course mentioning your blog.
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