This reminds me of a jacket I wore in the 90s...
Wanna guess "who" the THREE BUTTONS signified in my life? Leave a comment on the blog. The guess that comes closest to the truth wins a NO expense-paid trip to Queens and lunch with me in the SUS cafeteria!
Administrator's note: "Rhinestone Cowboy" is no longer playing.
They would symbolize all the photos Scarlett sent you claiming they were her?
Nope, you lose. I had the jacket in the early 90s.
Isn't Scarlett in her early 90's?
Do they represent the 3 magic books harry lorayne wrote with your magic in it?
Do they represent the 3 times you had a show on TV?
How many times you did Brooke Shields?
Oooooooh, I wish that was true! I fantasize about old ladies all the time. Have you ever seen a girl wrap her leg around her neck? Scarlett can. She's pretty young, actually.
I am a Charlotte, NC photographer and I have never heard of you and neither have anyone else around here. Where do you photograph and where can we see your art?
Why don't you have a website. Internet has been around 20 years. Why isn't you stuff up? Are you a dummy?
Harry who?
I never had a TV show and the other anon is wrong too. For example, I did somebody that looked like Brooke Shields.I plan to watch Brooke's show and throw buttons at the TV.
You're all a bunch of dum dums, because I already said the rhinestones were about a who, not an it.
Do they signify the 3 Stooges?
I always wanted to meet you, if your topless.
Anyways, dummy, your wrong about the stooges.
Hey Charlotte, I live in Queens, look at a map, so I'm not worried you never heard of me. Why do I care if some asshole in Caroline has never heard of me? I'm not famous in the cotton patch.
I'm guessing 3 magic tricks you stole or 3 watches...
Only Scarlett will not post the comments about Scarlett. Tarquin would.
You are wrong. This is my only site where I don't post lies and hate about anybody. If you don't know that simple thing, you are a anon dum dum.
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