Sunday, March 2, 2008

See What Happens When You Don't OBEY Thomas Churchwell

I told her to shut up, fans. I warned her.


Big Boy Bob said...

He likes to do that. Makes him feel like a BIG man, even though he's a one incher. Small man, bitter man and cruel man.

Anonymous said...

Lying about people is cruel.

Susan said...

Don't you know that Tommy Churchwell's middle name is Cruella?

Anonymous said...

Cruella is the mean woman in Disney's 101 Dalmatians, right? That suits him. Many people think one of the reasons he hates women is because he's pissed that he isn't one! He surely is a disgrace to his gender. Real men protect women, they respect and value them. They don't run all over the Internet trying to assasinate a woman's character. Only a coward does that.