The fun suggested by Boxing Day has nothing to do with family members who have been looking forward to beating each other up all year. No, this holiday, celebrated the day after Christmas, is traced back to mid-nineteenth century England, where people of the upper classes gave cash in boxes to people that worked for them.
I can think of at least 20 people that I'd like to punch in the face right now!
Just remember, daddy knows best!
Hey Tarko,
Do you really think people believe that crap you write on your "other" blog?
Well the FUN is over for another year. Here's hoping you screwed up Xmas for everyone you know. I did.
Tarquin, Meet me in front of SUS. I've got some "hot glue" to melt your "heart".
You wanna get together for New Years? I've got the rod if you've got the hammer.
The midget is mine. Stay away. Consider yourself warned, asshole.
Daddy who?
All of you are asswipes.
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